Jan. 27, 2021

Conversations With #AskAsh featuring Juan Alvarado

Conversations With #AskAsh featuring Juan Alvarado

On this episode of Conversations with #AskAsh, I’m joined by Juan Alvarado, personal and professional development coach. I’ve admired Juan’s intellect, values, and personal drive to help others reach their purpose in life. Personally, Juan has helped me become a better leader through the strength finders assessment as I was transitioning to a new position and team in my career. This episode uncovers self-motivation, why a leader’s role isn’t to make his team happy, the importance of understanding with your team, and so much more!

About this Trailblazer: 

Juan is a Gallup Strengthsfinder Coach who specializes in the development of Leadership Professionals and Their Teams. He is US Army Veteran, A Husband, Father, and Entrepreneur. 

What drives Juan? His goal is to help individuals to work in their purpose on purpose towards their purpose. 

How can you stay connected with Juan? 

Visit Juan at www.weraizethebar.com to book a coaching session. 

Follow Juan on Instagram: @raizethebarCEO 

Grab the free book here: https://linktr.ee/raizethebarceo

About the Host: 

What gets my blood pumping? Projects! I thrive off projects (big or small), mission-oriented tasks, and love the details in between. There is nothing more exciting than helping people organize their ideas to achieve success. My motto is no short-cuts. If you want to achieve sustainability and add impact to your community, you must have a process in place. With a background in project management, operations, policy, email, and content marketing, I focus on finding the sweet spots in your business so you can operate more efficiently!

Connect with #AskAsh 

Instagram: @ashleyshuler_

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyshuler

Sign Up for the Systems Lab: http://bit.ly/SystemsLabSignUp

Be sure to subscribe and share this podcast with 3 friends. Don’t forget to DM me on instagram @ashleyshuler_ to tell me what you learned from this episode.